Exercise for Energy

We’ve all been there: laying around, tired, lacking any energy wha...
Exercise for Energy

Exercise for Energy

We’ve all been there: laying around, tired, lacking any energy whatsoever to go do the boatload of things we know that have to be done. But despite the coffee’s best effort, we still don’t get up. It seems there is no solution, and you simply have to resolutely stay on the couch the rest of the day. However, that isn’t actually the case, as there is a way to give you that much needed energy while also improving your health, mood, and even sleep.

Despite the many misconceptions, exercise is in fact one of the best ways to fight fatigue, with countless studies coming out suggesting that it can increase energy levels, especially among people suffering with chronic medical conditions such as cancer and heart disease. While it may seem counterintuitive in the moment, long-term consistency with physical movement can provide a plethora of benefits, increased energy included.

How Does It Work?

While the thought of even getting up to do that workout session may fill you with dread, once you’re actually in the gym and going at it, those negative thoughts will quickly dissipate. This is due to a multitude of mechanisms within our bodies that are activated when you engage in exercise.

This starts all the way within your mitochondria. When you engage in cardiovascular exercise, your body needs to meet the physical demands you placed upon it, forcing it to ramp up the energy production to keep you going. As the blood starts pumping and the oxygen starts moving around faster, your entire system starts functioning at a higher level, making you more alert, focused, and driven. With this comes the extra benefit of improving your cardiovascular health, which will not only help your longevity but also your quality of life: a stronger heart and lungs has more conditioning and stamina, whether that’s during a brutal workout or even just daily chores.

The mental improvements are also evident: consistent training at a high-intensity helped with cognitive function in regards to attention for both short and long-term memory tasks. This is likely due to the fact that during exercise, you have to focus solely on the task at hand which requires performing at the highest level; no distractions. If you want to improve this mental clarity even further, check out ONWARD™ and SHARPSHOOTER™. With both a stim and non-stim option available, you can level up your energy and performance to the highest level. This is just another reason why exercise is so beneficial, as its many aspects translate into the real world and your daily life.

Is All Exercise Created Equal?

While there is no form of exercise that you have to perform, there may be certain ones that are more beneficial with improving your energy without impeding on your recovery. As much as exercise is a good thing, overdoing it can be just as harmful in some ways as not doing it at all. Very high-intensity exercise such as trendy HIIT cardio is something that takes a big toll on your body and requires plenty of recovery between being performed.

On the other hand, something as simple as going for a few walks each day has pretty much no limit, but can help with sleep, getting vitamin-D, fresh air, mood, etc. Finding a balance is key, and something that can help with this is performing many different kinds of exercise.

For example, you could weight-lift a couple times a week, go on daily walks, and play a sport or other cardio you enjoy such as swimming, biking, running, soccer or basketball. The options are truly limitless, and as long as you enjoy it and feel better about yourself after doing it, then that’s the best exercise for you.


When looking at the causes of chronic fatigue, your sleep routine and hygiene should be the first thing to assess. Without sufficient and good-quality sleep, our bodies simply won’t be able to perform anywhere near their peak; in fact, it will also cause a plethora of negative side effects the longer it continues.

One way to help with this issue is once again, exercise. Being physically active may help you fall asleep faster and deeper. Studies have shown that insomniacs have found great results from aerobic exercise, with improved quality of sleep which therefore translated to more energy during the day.

Studies have shown that exercise can be just as effective as sleep medication. A big reason for this is due to our circadian rhythm. When you exercise outdoors, you get natural light and establish a good sleep-wake cycle. For example, if you go for a walk in the morning and at night, your body clock will be well adjusted and prepare you for a good night's sleep.

There is also a myth that exercise at night is a bad thing and will keep you awake. This is false: as long as you don’t perform high intensity exercise within an hour or going to sleep, you’ll be fine. In fact, it can even help you wind down and oftentimes you’ll find yourself passing out like a light after a tough late night workout.

Being physically active is something that all people should prioritize. The list of benefits is too long to count, with improved quality of life, energy, and health to just name a few. Finding the right type for you is key: something you enjoy and can stay consistent with. Start small and make sure you’re forming good habits; even small improvements in your health can add up to tremendous results.

If you want to learn more about Energy, check out this post: https://continueonward.com/blogs/news/energy

